GET Inputs and Unspent Outputs of a given transaction
GET Details of a given transaction
Returns details of a transaction given its hash.
GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}
🎰 Parameters
Name | Description | In | Type | Required |
transaction_hash | The transaction hash. | path | string | true |
👨💻 Code samples
- Node.js
- Python
- Rust
const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' });
const transactions = await CBI.core.transactions_({ transaction_hash: "5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0" });
CBI = CardanoBI(apiKey='YOUR-KEY', apiSecret='YOUR-SECRET' });
transactions = await CBI.core.transactions_(transaction_hash='5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0');
let CBI = CardanoBI::new(Some("YOUR-KEY"), Some("YOUR-SECRET")).await.expect("Failed to initialize CardanoBI");
let transactions = CBI.core.transactions_(Some("5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0"), HashMap::new()).await.expect("Failed to call endpoint");
println!("transactions: {:?}", transactions);
💌 Response Codes
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 403
- 404
- 429
OK: Successful request.
"tx_hash_hex": "5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0",
"id": 62806763,
"block_no": 8504316,
"slot_no": 86986601,
"block_time": "2023-03-11T16:41:32",
"block_index": 4,
"out_sum": 769511275,
"fee": 488725,
"deposit": 0,
"size": 7252,
"invalid_before": null,
"invalid_hereafter": 86992584,
"valid_contract": true,
"script_size": 0,
"output_amounts": [
"value": 769511275,
"unit": "lovelace",
"asset_fingerprint": null
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby164",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1zrvganzsyd0fvw7ts7ja9l63c87he04u7g3aq6"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby180",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1gtldmxkks4af38dyz2qwshgltxvjqw5axyqfd5"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby246",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1h92eu48jjnh4vzpjq7zutmzngx863yke65h6m3"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby315",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1v2s8pfs9dvh4cyrxzll2q5xcrmhpvj9ll6df99"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby467",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset16dgewuvjdg4m4rhhsz6k8ym3s8ac7gz0j3tgk9"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby642",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1yh4h07gdc2uplk6p40k89he553w00v79j6vlnf"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby783",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1znwa2p75ryy6xmslu604yqwhe39c2yrzwflz8d"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby835",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset13kkqusmscnwycv5uxktkhy9t0vpah0mzz09szf"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby867",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset19xydzwjvn6725t3a9fn586f3pj932k0kvs93kf"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby981",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1fd863wp7nd0jv2lz0ljesxh2gpn8cycdkztye9"
"inputCount": 1,
"outputCount": 2,
"withdrawalCount": 0,
"assetMintCount": 10,
"metadataCount": 1,
"stakeRegistrationCount": 0,
"stakeDeregistrationCount": 0,
"delegationCount": 0,
"treasuryCount": 0,
"reserveCount": 0,
"potTransferCount": 0,
"paramProposalCount": 0,
"poolRetireCount": 0,
"poolUpdateCount": 0,
"redeemerCount": 0
Bad Request: The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
Response schema is undefined.
Unauthorized: No valid API key provided.
Response schema is undefined.
Quota Exceeded: This API key has reached its usage limit on request.
Response schema is undefined.
Access Denied: The request is missing a valid API key or token.
Response schema is undefined.
Not Found: The requested resource cannot be found.
Response schema is undefined.
Too Many Requests: This API key has reached its rate limit.
Response schema is undefined.
💌 Response Schemas
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 403
- 404
- 429
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Description |
tx_hash_hex | string | The hexadecimal encoding of the hash identifier of the transaction. |
id | integer(int64) | The transaction unique identifier. |
block_no | integer(int32) | The block number. |
slot_no | integer(int64) | The slot number. |
block_time | string(date-time) | The block time (UTCTime). |
block_index | integer(int32) | The index of this transaction with the block (zero based). |
out_sum | number(double) | The sum of the transaction outputs (in Lovelace). |
fee | number(double) | The fees paid for this transaction. |
deposit | integer(int64) | Deposit (or deposit refund) in this transaction. Deposits are positive, refunds negative. |
size | integer(int32) | The size of the transaction in bytes. |
invalid_before | number(double) | Transaction in invalid before this slot number. |
invalid_hereafter | number(double) | Transaction in invalid at or after this slot number. |
valid_contract | boolean | False if the contract is invalid. True if the contract is valid or there is no contract. |
script_size | integer(int32) | The sum of the script sizes (in bytes) of scripts in the transaction. |
output_amounts | array | The list of transaction output amounts. |
inputCount | integer(int32) | The count of inputs in this transaction. |
outputCount | integer(int32) | The count of outputs in this transaction. |
withdrawalCount | integer(int32) | The count of withdrawals from a reward account in this transaction. |
assetMintCount | integer(int32) | The count of Multi-Asset mint events in this transaction. |
metadataCount | integer(int32) | The count of metadata attached to this transaction. |
stakeRegistrationCount | integer(int32) | The count of stake address registration in this transaction. |
stakeDeregistrationCount | integer(int32) | The count of stake address deregistration in this transaction. |
delegationCount | integer(int32) | The count of delegation from a stake address to a stake pool in this transaction. |
treasuryCount | integer(int32) | The count of payments from the treasury to a stake address in this transaction. |
reserveCount | integer(int32) | The count of payments from the reserves to a stake address in this transaction. |
potTransferCount | integer(int32) | The count of transfers between the reserves pot and the treasury pot in this transaction. |
paramProposalCount | integer(int32) | The count of Cardano parameter change proposals in this transaction. |
poolRetireCount | integer(int32) | The count of pool retirement notifications in this transaction. |
poolUpdateCount | integer(int32) | The count of on-chain pool updates in this transaction. |
redeemerCount | integer(int32) | The count of redeemers in this transaction. |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 401
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 402
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 403
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 404
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 429
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
GET Inputs and Unspent Outputs of a given transaction
Returns all Inputs and Unspent Outputs (UTXOs) of a transaction given its hash.
GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/utxos
🎰 Parameters
Name | Description | In | Type | Required |
transaction_hash | The transaction hash. | path | string | true |
👨💻 Code samples
- Node.js
- Python
- Rust
const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' });
const utxos = await CBI.core.transactions.utxos_({ transaction_hash: "5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0" });
CBI = CardanoBI(apiKey='YOUR-KEY', apiSecret='YOUR-SECRET' });
utxos = await CBI.core.transactions.utxos_(transaction_hash='5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0');
let CBI = CardanoBI::new(Some("YOUR-KEY"), Some("YOUR-SECRET")).await.expect("Failed to initialize CardanoBI");
let transactions_utxos = CBI.core.transactions.utxos_(Some("5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0"), HashMap::new()).await.expect("Failed to call endpoint");
println!("transactions_utxos: {:?}", transactions_utxos);
💌 Response Codes
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 403
- 404
- 429
OK: Successful request.
"tx_hash_hex": "5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0",
"id": 62806763,
"slot_no": 86986601,
"block_no": 8504316,
"block_time": "2023-03-11T16:41:32",
"block_index": 4,
"out_sum": 769511275,
"fee": 488725,
"deposit": 0,
"size": 7252,
"invalid_before": null,
"invalid_hereafter": 86992584,
"valid_contract": true,
"script_size": 0,
"outputs": [
"output_index": 0,
"address": "addr1q8dlz204pcjcm7l86fqs76h2huyjn2qmvsjf54xljw5dk6097gkdczyymlmrrznfwdca7tgmasl4635f3qd2uy9566nqy98g0q",
"tx_hash_hex": "5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0",
"is_collateral": false,
"data_hash": null,
"inline_datum_cbor": null,
"reference_script_hash": null,
"amounts": [
"value": 119975000,
"unit": "lovelace",
"asset_fingerprint": null
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby164",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1zrvganzsyd0fvw7ts7ja9l63c87he04u7g3aq6"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby180",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1gtldmxkks4af38dyz2qwshgltxvjqw5axyqfd5"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby246",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1h92eu48jjnh4vzpjq7zutmzngx863yke65h6m3"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby315",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1v2s8pfs9dvh4cyrxzll2q5xcrmhpvj9ll6df99"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby467",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset16dgewuvjdg4m4rhhsz6k8ym3s8ac7gz0j3tgk9"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby642",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1yh4h07gdc2uplk6p40k89he553w00v79j6vlnf"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby783",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1znwa2p75ryy6xmslu604yqwhe39c2yrzwflz8d"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby835",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset13kkqusmscnwycv5uxktkhy9t0vpah0mzz09szf"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby867",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset19xydzwjvn6725t3a9fn586f3pj932k0kvs93kf"
"value": 1,
"unit": "TheGreatGatsby981",
"asset_fingerprint": "asset1fd863wp7nd0jv2lz0ljesxh2gpn8cycdkztye9"
"output_index": 1,
"address": "addr1qytcgpelg4m8n0hrgkx8nhr6servtt4qhmntxufdga32lzhuynvp2sdsx64g8dy3fd4pd7hs9lyn0j5vhwuzthz8xkessrfdse",
"tx_hash_hex": "5f6f72b00ae982492823fb541153e6c2afc9cb7231687f2a5d82a994f61764a0",
"is_collateral": false,
"data_hash": null,
"inline_datum_cbor": null,
"reference_script_hash": null,
"amounts": [
"value": 649536275,
"unit": "lovelace",
"asset_fingerprint": null
"inputs": [
"output_index": 0,
"address": "addr1v9gkdlvddgjte0ccw6ngsj50ggfvh7760tkmhf5k6mvxvasjfancu",
"tx_hash_hex": "6d8d789fa95cd3834e90b6a9c2f0d3c24b907797be7f3bcb32e7d3d5b43b33dd",
"is_collateral": false,
"is_reference": false,
"data_hash": null,
"inline_datum_cbor": null,
"reference_script_hash": null,
"amounts": [
"value": 770000000,
"unit": "lovelace",
"asset_fingerprint": null
Bad Request: The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
Response schema is undefined.
Unauthorized: No valid API key provided.
Response schema is undefined.
Quota Exceeded: This API key has reached its usage limit on request.
Response schema is undefined.
Access Denied: The request is missing a valid API key or token.
Response schema is undefined.
Not Found: The requested resource cannot be found.
Response schema is undefined.
Too Many Requests: This API key has reached its rate limit.
Response schema is undefined.
💌 Response Schemas
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 402
- 403
- 404
- 429
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Description |
tx_hash_hex | string | The hexadecimal encoding of the hash identifier of the transaction. |
id | integer(int64) | The transaction unique identifier. |
slot_no | integer(int64) | The slot number. |
block_no | integer(int32) | The block number. |
block_time | string(date-time) | The block time (UTCTime). |
block_index | integer(int32) | The index of this transaction with the block (zero based). |
out_sum | number(double) | The sum of the transaction outputs (in Lovelace). |
fee | number(double) | The fees paid for this transaction. |
deposit | integer(int64) | Deposit (or deposit refund) in this transaction. Deposits are positive, refunds negative. |
size | integer(int32) | The size of the transaction in bytes. |
invalid_before | number(double) | Transaction in invalid before this slot number. |
invalid_hereafter | number(double) | Transaction in invalid at or after this slot number. |
valid_contract | boolean | False if the contract is invalid. True if the contract is valid or there is no contract. |
script_size | integer(int32) | The sum of the script sizes (in bytes) of scripts in the transaction. |
outputs | array | The list of transaction outputs. |
inputs | array | The list of transaction inputs. |
Status Code 400
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 401
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 402
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 403
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 404
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.
Status Code 429
Name | Type | Description |
Response schema is undefined.