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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET Redeemers attached to a transaction

GET Redeemers attached to a transaction

Returns redeemers information attached to a transaction given its hash.

GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/redeemers

🎰 Parameters

transaction_hashThe transaction hash.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const redeemers = await CBI.core.transactions.redeemers_({ transaction_hash: "e584995ed133ae25e5c918d794efa415e10352b0d0e08aa02a196bbd605b9e69" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"unit_mem": 54224,
"unit_steps": 22301057,
"fee": 4737,
"purpose": "spend",
"index": 1,
"script_hash_hex": "da11a50969a7f77225a9e9e2c86e43d391a69dd47f339a4fd830d165",
"hash_hex": "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec",
"data_json": "{\"fields\": [], \"constructor\": 0}",
"data_cbor": "d87980"
"unit_mem": 1795845,
"unit_steps": 821612537,
"fee": 162859,
"purpose": "spend",
"index": 0,
"script_hash_hex": "5d211d7259fc8fb6eae43875d369cd676dfe680c5fd89fd73c0b5491",
"hash_hex": "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec",
"data_json": "{\"fields\": [], \"constructor\": 0}",
"data_cbor": "d87980"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

unit_meminteger(int64)The budget in Memory to run a script.
unit_stepsinteger(int64)The budget in Cpu steps to run a script.
feenumber(double)The budget in fees to run a script. The fees depend on the ExUnits and the current prices. Is null when --disable-ledger is enabled. New in v13: became nullable.
purposestringWhat kind of validation this redeemer is used for. It can be one of 'spend', 'mint', 'cert', 'reward'.
indexinteger(int32)The index of the redeemer pointer in the transaction.
script_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the script hash this redeemer is used for.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the Plutus Data hash.
data_jsonstringThe actual Plutus data in JSON format (detailed schema)
data_cborstringThe actual Plutus data in CBOR format