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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET Transactions for block chain parameter change proposals

GET Transactions for block chain parameter change proposals

Returns details of a transaction used for block chain parameter change proposals.

GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/param_proposals

🎰 Parameters

transaction_hashThe transaction hash.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const param_proposals = await CBI.core.transactions.param_proposals_({ transaction_hash: "62c3c13187423c47f629e6187f36fbd61a9ba1d05d101588340cfbfdf47b22d2" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 381,
"epoch_no": 393,
"key": "Fi+UVUrIwiU4OiJIwkVlntqHDqqC0O8l/H3Ngg==",
"min_fee_a": null,
"min_fee_b": null,
"max_block_size": null,
"max_tx_size": null,
"max_bh_size": null,
"key_deposit": null,
"pool_deposit": null,
"max_epoch": null,
"optimal_pool_count": null,
"influence": null,
"monetary_expand_rate": null,
"treasury_growth_rate": null,
"decentralisation": null,
"entropy": null,
"protocol_major": 8,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": null,
"min_pool_cost": null,
"cost_model_id": 111,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": 62000000,
"max_block_ex_steps": 20000000000,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"registered_tx_id": 60938570,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"key_hex": "162f94554ac8c225383a2248c245659eda870eaa82d0ef25fc7dcd82"
"id": 385,
"epoch_no": 393,
"key": "97NBwUzVj8pBlamyeMzh70AtwOBt63flQ80XVw==",
"min_fee_a": null,
"min_fee_b": null,
"max_block_size": null,
"max_tx_size": null,
"max_bh_size": null,
"key_deposit": null,
"pool_deposit": null,
"max_epoch": null,
"optimal_pool_count": null,
"influence": null,
"monetary_expand_rate": null,
"treasury_growth_rate": null,
"decentralisation": null,
"entropy": null,
"protocol_major": 8,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": null,
"min_pool_cost": null,
"cost_model_id": 111,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": 62000000,
"max_block_ex_steps": 20000000000,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"registered_tx_id": 60938570,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"key_hex": "f7b341c14cd58fca4195a9b278cce1ef402dc0e06deb77e543cd1757"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The transaction unique identifier.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The epoch for which this parameter proposal in intended to become active.
keystring(byte)The hash of the crypto key used to sign this proposal.
min_fee_anumber(double)The 'a' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
min_fee_bnumber(double)The 'b' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
max_block_sizenumber(double)The maximum block size (in bytes).
max_tx_sizenumber(double)The maximum transaction size (in bytes).
max_bh_sizenumber(double)The maximum block header size (in bytes).
key_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a StakeAddress.
pool_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a stake pool.
max_epochnumber(double)The maximum number of epochs in the future that a pool retirement is allowed to be scheduled for.
optimal_pool_countnumber(double)The optimal number of stake pools.
influencenumber(double)The influence of the pledge on a stake pool's probability on minting a block.
monetary_expand_ratenumber(double)The monetary expansion rate.
treasury_growth_ratenumber(double)The treasury growth rate.
decentralisationnumber(double)The decentralisation parameter (1 fully centralised, 0 fully decentralised).
entropystring(byte)The 32 byte string of extra random-ness to be added into the protocol's entropy pool.
protocol_majorinteger(int32)The protocol major number.
protocol_minorinteger(int32)The protocol minor number.
min_utxo_valuenumber(double)The minimum value of a UTxO entry.
min_pool_costnumber(double)The minimum pool cost.
cost_model_idinteger(int64)The CostModel table index for the proposal.
price_memnumber(double)The per word cost of script memory usage.
price_stepnumber(double)The cost of script execution step usage.
max_tx_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_tx_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_block_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block.
max_block_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block.
max_val_sizenumber(double)The maximum Val size.
collateral_percentinteger(int32)The percentage of the txfee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts.
max_collateral_inputsinteger(int32)The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index for the transaction that contains this parameter proposal.
coins_per_utxo_sizenumber(double)For Alonzo this is the cost per UTxO word. For Babbage and later per UTxO byte. New in v13: Renamed from coins_per_utxo_word.
key_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the hash of the crypto key used to sign this proposal.