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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET Stake address certificate transactions
GET Stake address delegation transactions
GET Pool retirement transactions
GET On-chain pool update transactions

GET Stake address certificate transactions

Returns details of a transaction used to register a stake address given its hash.

GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/stake_address_registrations

🎰 Parameters

transaction_hashThe transaction hash.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const stake_address_registrations = await CBI.core.transactions.stake_address_registrations_({ transaction_hash: "13919fc14338f13fa10497293f709f9c12c6275c5b38baa0c60786ffdd51bebb" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"cert_index": 0,
"epoch_no": 398,
"stake_address": "stake1u9c8tgy0e24ykfq98rh7vqg684z3py4vqv7e7grfw9cwdxc02r0s2",
"script_hash_hex": "",
"is_registration": false

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this stake registration within the certificates of this transaction.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The epoch in which the registration took place.
stake_addressstringThe Bech32 encoded version of the stake address.
script_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the script hash, in case this address is locked by a script.
is_registrationbooleanTrue if the transaction is a registration, False if it is a deregistration.

GET Stake address delegation transactions

Returns details of a transaction used to delegate a given stake address to a pool.

GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/stake_address_delegations

🎰 Parameters

transaction_hashThe transaction hash.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const stake_address_delegations = await CBI.core.transactions.stake_address_delegations_({ transaction_hash: "e963b50c5a1078f0fbe11c375d047af3a1b2112538ed6cf852809ebbf4dd8440" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"cert_index": 1,
"active_epoch_no": 400,
"stake_address": "stake1u9jhsgneyethxckdqngmls6lx2tfuhzfkfzhc653cmvtvvqclazkl",
"pool_hash_bech32": "pool1a23gmvalpdams9d42t7fur8vmknzjv7wd3nsvuvrc7dv66lnau0",
"pool_hash_hex": "eaa28db3bf0b7bb815b552fc9e0cecdda62933ce6c67067183c79acd"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this delegation within the certificates of this transaction.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this delegation becomes active.
stake_addressstringThe Bech32 encoded version of the stake address.
pool_hash_bech32stringThe Bech32 encoding of the pool hash.
pool_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the pool hash.

GET Pool retirement transactions

Returns details of a transaction used to retire a stake pool.

GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/retiring_pools

🎰 Parameters

transaction_hashThe transaction hash.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const retiring_pools = await CBI.core.transactions.retiring_pools_({ transaction_hash: "0d8eadd3bd58bd1a34641ea4100de509f081fe5dd7ecd33d7da52cbeb8e93494" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"cert_index": 0,
"pool_hash_bech32": "pool1sduhuyqh3kecve728ghxyzqxegfgy7t98669yq5vx99m5k5lcr0",
"pool_hash_hex": "83797e10178db38667ca3a2e620806ca128279653eb452028c314bba",
"retiring_epoch": 399

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool retirement within the certificates of this transaction.
pool_hash_bech32stringThe Bech32 encoding of the pool hash.
pool_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the pool hash.
retiring_epochinteger(int32)The epoch where this pool retires.

GET On-chain pool update transactions

Returns details of a transaction used to update a stake pool.

GET /api/core/transactions/{transaction_hash}/updating_pools

🎰 Parameters

transaction_hashThe transaction hash.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const updating_pools = await CBI.core.transactions.updating_pools_({ transaction_hash: "37b67370c0e71b6e15d6d5f564a5069461e472a26e6f46a813743458285aef8d" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"cert_index": 0,
"pool_hash_bech32": "pool18gys2arurr8su3qssvh7vjcn42k5clgrvdxah8mxcg5xquvfu8p",
"pool_hash_hex": "3a0905747c18cf0e4410832fe64b13aaad4c7d03634ddb9f66c22860",
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "3fb99e238977460b474d91a9ca35f35c912fee4adc9dad4c7f05327deba4449f",
"reward_addr_hash_hex": "e1b8b85b5988ed10223b9f179db5650bb91fa73ace98852cfc4fbeb604",
"pledge": 50000000000,
"margin": 0.01,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"active_epoch_no": 228,
"owners_addresses": [
"relays": [
"ipv4": null,
"ipv6": null,
"dns_name": "",
"dns_srv_name": null,
"port": 3011
"offline_data": null
"cert_index": 3,
"pool_hash_bech32": "pool18gys2arurr8su3qssvh7vjcn42k5clgrvdxah8mxcg5xquvfu8p",
"pool_hash_hex": "3a0905747c18cf0e4410832fe64b13aaad4c7d03634ddb9f66c22860",
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "3fb99e238977460b474d91a9ca35f35c912fee4adc9dad4c7f05327deba4449f",
"reward_addr_hash_hex": "e1b8b85b5988ed10223b9f179db5650bb91fa73ace98852cfc4fbeb604",
"pledge": 50000000000,
"margin": 0.01,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"active_epoch_no": 228,
"owners_addresses": [
"relays": [
"ipv4": null,
"ipv6": null,
"dns_name": "",
"dns_srv_name": null,
"port": 3021
"offline_data": null

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool update within the certificates of this transaction.
pool_hash_bech32stringThe Bech32 encoding of the pool hash.
pool_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the pool hash.
vrf_key_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the VRF key hash.
reward_addr_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the pool reward address hash.
pledgenumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) the pool owner pledges to the pool.
marginnumber(double)The margin (as a percentage) this pool charges.
fixed_costnumber(double)The fixed per epoch fee (in ADA) this pool charges.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this update becomes active.
owners_addressesarrayThe list of pool owners stake addresses.
relaysarrayThe pool relays updates.


ticker_namestringThe pool's ticker name (as many as 5 characters).
urlstringThe URL for the location of the off-chain data.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the offline data hash.
jsonstringThe payload as JSON.