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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET All on-chain pool updates
GET One pool on-chain updates
GET One pool on-chain updates
GET All on-chain pool updates OData
GET One pool on-chain updates OData

GET All on-chain pool updates

Returns all on-chain pool updates.

GET /api/core/pools/updates

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const updates = await CBI.core.pools.updates_();

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 1,
"hash_id": 1,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "AiCl0Irb/pVUtS17KZO+WJKsP/NA5nSjd96j4irRd4s=",
"pledge": 450000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 210,
"meta_id": 1,
"margin": 0.015,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 2415556,
"reward_addr_id": 61,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "0220a5d08adbfe9554b52d7b2993be5892ac3ff340e674a377dea3e22ad1778b"
"id": 20,
"hash_id": 20,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "e2a6GbiEHiaskUwffALAPqWru5bNjRZRsZ6rxlufk+8=",
"pledge": 50000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 210,
"meta_id": 20,
"margin": 0.03,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 2416313,
"reward_addr_id": 111,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "7b66ba19b8841e26ac914c1f7c02c03ea5abbb96cd8d1651b19eabc65b9f93ef"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool update unique identifier.
hash_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool this update refers to.
cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool update within the certificates of this transaction.
vrf_key_hashstring(byte)The hash of the pool's VRF key.
pledgenumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) the pool owner pledges to the pool.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this update becomes active.
meta_idinteger(int64)The PoolMetadataRef table index this pool update refers to.
marginnumber(double)The margin (as a percentage) this pool charges.
fixed_costnumber(double)The fixed per epoch fee (in ADA) this pool charges.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this pool update.
reward_addr_idinteger(int64)The StakeAddress table index of this pool's rewards address. New in v13: Replaced reward_addr.
vrf_key_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the VRF key hash.

GET One pool on-chain updates

Returns the on-chain updates for one pool given its unique identifier.

GET /api/core/pools/{pool_id}/updates

🎰 Parameters

pool_idPool unique identifierpathintegertrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const updates = await CBI.core.pools.updates_({ pool_id: 4268 });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 22010,
"hash_id": 4268,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "m+NFvLywzwVZsRNUZ/0uTHjHQYmM34vLc3stxRImMt8=",
"pledge": 10000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 291,
"meta_id": 21950,
"margin": 0.05,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 12623716,
"reward_addr_id": 2480780,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df"
"id": 33494,
"hash_id": 4268,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "m+NFvLywzwVZsRNUZ/0uTHjHQYmM34vLc3stxRImMt8=",
"pledge": 130000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 473,
"meta_id": 33370,
"margin": 0.0299,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 86928296,
"reward_addr_id": 2480780,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool update unique identifier.
hash_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool this update refers to.
cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool update within the certificates of this transaction.
vrf_key_hashstring(byte)The hash of the pool's VRF key.
pledgenumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) the pool owner pledges to the pool.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this update becomes active.
meta_idinteger(int64)The PoolMetadataRef table index this pool update refers to.
marginnumber(double)The margin (as a percentage) this pool charges.
fixed_costnumber(double)The fixed per epoch fee (in ADA) this pool charges.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this pool update.
reward_addr_idinteger(int64)The StakeAddress table index of this pool's rewards address. New in v13: Replaced reward_addr.
vrf_key_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the VRF key hash.

GET One pool on-chain updates

Returns the on-chain updates for one pool given its VRF key hash.

GET /api/core/pools/{vrf_key_hash}/updates

🎰 Parameters

vrf_key_hashThe pool VRF key in HEX format.pathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const updates = await CBI.core.pools.updates_({ vrf_key_hash: "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 22010,
"hash_id": 4268,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "m+NFvLywzwVZsRNUZ/0uTHjHQYmM34vLc3stxRImMt8=",
"pledge": 10000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 291,
"meta_id": 21950,
"margin": 0.05,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 12623716,
"reward_addr_id": 2480780,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df"
"id": 33494,
"hash_id": 4268,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "m+NFvLywzwVZsRNUZ/0uTHjHQYmM34vLc3stxRImMt8=",
"pledge": 130000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 473,
"meta_id": 33370,
"margin": 0.0299,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 86928296,
"reward_addr_id": 2480780,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool update unique identifier.
hash_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool this update refers to.
cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool update within the certificates of this transaction.
vrf_key_hashstring(byte)The hash of the pool's VRF key.
pledgenumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) the pool owner pledges to the pool.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this update becomes active.
meta_idinteger(int64)The PoolMetadataRef table index this pool update refers to.
marginnumber(double)The margin (as a percentage) this pool charges.
fixed_costnumber(double)The fixed per epoch fee (in ADA) this pool charges.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this pool update.
reward_addr_idinteger(int64)The StakeAddress table index of this pool's rewards address. New in v13: Replaced reward_addr.
vrf_key_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the VRF key hash.

GET All on-chain pool updates OData

Returns all on-chain pool updates.

GET /api/core/odata/poolsupdates

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const poolsupdates = await CBI.core.poolsupdates_({ "odata": true });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PoolsUpdates",
"value": [
"id": 1,
"hash_id": 1,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "AiCl0Irb/pVUtS17KZO+WJKsP/NA5nSjd96j4irRd4s=",
"pledge": 450000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 210,
"meta_id": 1,
"margin": 0.015,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 2415556,
"reward_addr_id": 61,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "0220a5d08adbfe9554b52d7b2993be5892ac3ff340e674a377dea3e22ad1778b"
"id": 20,
"hash_id": 20,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "e2a6GbiEHiaskUwffALAPqWru5bNjRZRsZ6rxlufk+8=",
"pledge": 50000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 210,
"meta_id": 20,
"margin": 0.03,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 2416313,
"reward_addr_id": 111,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "7b66ba19b8841e26ac914c1f7c02c03ea5abbb96cd8d1651b19eabc65b9f93ef"
"@odata.nextLink": "$skip=20"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool update unique identifier.
hash_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool this update refers to.
cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool update within the certificates of this transaction.
vrf_key_hashstring(byte)The hash of the pool's VRF key.
pledgenumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) the pool owner pledges to the pool.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this update becomes active.
meta_idinteger(int64)The PoolMetadataRef table index this pool update refers to.
marginnumber(double)The margin (as a percentage) this pool charges.
fixed_costnumber(double)The fixed per epoch fee (in ADA) this pool charges.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this pool update.
reward_addr_idinteger(int64)The StakeAddress table index of this pool's rewards address. New in v13: Replaced reward_addr.
vrf_key_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the VRF key hash.

GET One pool on-chain updates OData

Returns the on-chain updates for one pool given its unique identifier.

GET /api/core/odata/poolsupdates/{pool_id}

🎰 Parameters

pool_idPool unique identifierpathintegertrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const poolsupdates = await CBI.core.poolsupdates_({ "odata": true, pool_id: 4268 });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PoolsUpdates",
"value": [
"id": 22010,
"hash_id": 4268,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "m+NFvLywzwVZsRNUZ/0uTHjHQYmM34vLc3stxRImMt8=",
"pledge": 10000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 291,
"meta_id": 21950,
"margin": 0.05,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 12623716,
"reward_addr_id": 2480780,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df"
"id": 33494,
"hash_id": 4268,
"cert_index": 0,
"vrf_key_hash": "m+NFvLywzwVZsRNUZ/0uTHjHQYmM34vLc3stxRImMt8=",
"pledge": 130000000000,
"active_epoch_no": 473,
"meta_id": 33370,
"margin": 0.0299,
"fixed_cost": 340000000,
"registered_tx_id": 86928296,
"reward_addr_id": 2480780,
"vrf_key_hash_hex": "9be345bcbcb0cf0559b1135467fd2e4c78c741898cdf8bcb737b2dc5122632df"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool update unique identifier.
hash_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool this update refers to.
cert_indexinteger(int32)The index of this pool update within the certificates of this transaction.
vrf_key_hashstring(byte)The hash of the pool's VRF key.
pledgenumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) the pool owner pledges to the pool.
active_epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number where this update becomes active.
meta_idinteger(int64)The PoolMetadataRef table index this pool update refers to.
marginnumber(double)The margin (as a percentage) this pool charges.
fixed_costnumber(double)The fixed per epoch fee (in ADA) this pool charges.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this pool update.
reward_addr_idinteger(int64)The StakeAddress table index of this pool's rewards address. New in v13: Replaced reward_addr.
vrf_key_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the VRF key hash.