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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET All pool metadata
GET One pool metadata by pool id
GET One pool metadata by pool metadata hash
GET All pool metadata OData
GET One pool metadata by pool id OData

GET All pool metadata

Returns all on-chain references to off-chain pool metadata.

GET /api/core/pools/metadata

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const metadata = await CBI.core.pools.metadata_();

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 1,
"pool_id": 1,
"url": "",
"hash": "yn0S3s+IbjH1ImtZRsYu3IGn5Ar5XOfNZGUSLjCdViY=",
"registered_tx_id": 2415556,
"hash_hex": "ca7d12decf886e31f5226b5946c62edc81a7e40af95ce7cd6465122e309d5626"
"id": 20,
"pool_id": 20,
"url": "",
"hash": "W7EULqP9nfVf8XIYSLm2ugJ32I5hGnT5rzr6ODhkTZY=",
"registered_tx_id": 2416313,
"hash_hex": "5bb1142ea3fd9df55ff1721848b9b6ba0277d88e611a74f9af3afa3838644d96"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool metadata ref unique identifier.
pool_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool for this reference.
urlstringThe URL for the location of the off-chain data.
hashstring(byte)The expected hash for the off-chain data.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this metadata reference.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the expected hash.

GET One pool metadata by pool id

Returns the on-chain references to off-chain pool metadata for one pool given its unique identifier.

GET /api/core/pools/{pool_id}/metadata

🎰 Parameters

pool_idPool unique identifierpathintegertrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const metadata = await CBI.core.pools.metadata_({ pool_id: 4268 });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 21950,
"pool_id": 4268,
"url": "",
"hash": "RGovyIsZoojy+22lEpImU8mUIACtoQyEbXHki86nToo=",
"registered_tx_id": 12623716,
"hash_hex": "446a2fc88b19a288f2fb6da512922653c9942000ada10c846d71e48bcea74e8a"
"id": 33370,
"pool_id": 4268,
"url": "",
"hash": "6tUh2ifWxy3aXv3AppdnV6ZrcmLJeAeHzlxwwY6PSW8=",
"registered_tx_id": 86928296,
"hash_hex": "ead521da27d6c72dda5efdc0a6976757a66b7262c9780787ce5c70c18e8f496f"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool metadata ref unique identifier.
pool_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool for this reference.
urlstringThe URL for the location of the off-chain data.
hashstring(byte)The expected hash for the off-chain data.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this metadata reference.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the expected hash.

GET One pool metadata by pool metadata hash

Returns the on-chain references to off-chain pool metadata for one pool given its metadata hash.

GET /api/core/pools/metadata/hashes/{meta_hash}

🎰 Parameters

meta_hashPool metadata hashpathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const metadata_hashes = await CBI.core.pools.metadata.hashes_({ meta_hash: "42771b05b30f180890980613b3147f6bb797fe1f8a83e92d39a3135ec9559ea8" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 28640,
"pool_id": 4268,
"url": "",
"hash": "QncbBbMPGAiQmAYTsxR/a7eX/h+Kg+ktOaMTXslVnqg=",
"registered_tx_id": 49755882,
"hash_hex": "42771b05b30f180890980613b3147f6bb797fe1f8a83e92d39a3135ec9559ea8"
"id": 28640,
"pool_id": 4268,
"url": "",
"hash": "QncbBbMPGAiQmAYTsxR/a7eX/h+Kg+ktOaMTXslVnqg=",
"registered_tx_id": 49755882,
"hash_hex": "42771b05b30f180890980613b3147f6bb797fe1f8a83e92d39a3135ec9559ea8"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool metadata ref unique identifier.
pool_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool for this reference.
urlstringThe URL for the location of the off-chain data.
hashstring(byte)The expected hash for the off-chain data.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this metadata reference.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the expected hash.

GET All pool metadata OData

Returns all on-chain references to off-chain pool metadata.

GET /api/core/odata/poolsmetadata

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const poolsmetadata = await CBI.core.poolsmetadata_({ "odata": true });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PoolsMetadata",
"value": [
"id": 1,
"pool_id": 1,
"url": "",
"hash": "yn0S3s+IbjH1ImtZRsYu3IGn5Ar5XOfNZGUSLjCdViY=",
"registered_tx_id": 2415556,
"hash_hex": "ca7d12decf886e31f5226b5946c62edc81a7e40af95ce7cd6465122e309d5626"
"id": 20,
"pool_id": 20,
"url": "",
"hash": "W7EULqP9nfVf8XIYSLm2ugJ32I5hGnT5rzr6ODhkTZY=",
"registered_tx_id": 2416313,
"hash_hex": "5bb1142ea3fd9df55ff1721848b9b6ba0277d88e611a74f9af3afa3838644d96"
"@odata.nextLink": "$skip=20"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool metadata ref unique identifier.
pool_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool for this reference.
urlstringThe URL for the location of the off-chain data.
hashstring(byte)The expected hash for the off-chain data.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this metadata reference.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the expected hash.

GET One pool metadata by pool id OData

Returns the on-chain references to off-chain pool metadata for one pool given its unique identifier.

GET /api/core/odata/poolsmetadata/{pool_id}

🎰 Parameters

pool_idPool unique identifierpathintegertrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const poolsmetadata = await CBI.core.poolsmetadata_({ "odata": true, pool_id: 4268 });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"@odata.context": "$metadata#PoolsMetadata",
"value": [
"id": 21950,
"pool_id": 4268,
"url": "",
"hash": "RGovyIsZoojy+22lEpImU8mUIACtoQyEbXHki86nToo=",
"registered_tx_id": 12623716,
"hash_hex": "446a2fc88b19a288f2fb6da512922653c9942000ada10c846d71e48bcea74e8a"
"id": 33370,
"pool_id": 4268,
"url": "",
"hash": "6tUh2ifWxy3aXv3AppdnV6ZrcmLJeAeHzlxwwY6PSW8=",
"registered_tx_id": 86928296,
"hash_hex": "ead521da27d6c72dda5efdc0a6976757a66b7262c9780787ce5c70c18e8f496f"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The pool metadata ref unique identifier.
pool_idinteger(int64)The PoolHash table index of the pool for this reference.
urlstringThe URL for the location of the off-chain data.
hashstring(byte)The expected hash for the off-chain data.
registered_tx_idinteger(int64)The Tx table index of the transaction in which provided this metadata reference.
hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the expected hash.