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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET One pool stake distributions
GET One epoch and one pool stake distributions
GET Latest epoch and one pool stake distributions
GET One epoch and one pool stake distributions OData

GET One pool stake distributions

Returns the stake distribution for one pool across all epochs given its Bech32 pool hash.

GET /api/core/epochs/stakes/pools/{pool_hash}

🎰 Parameters

pool_hashBech32 pool hashpathstringtrue
page_noPage number to retrieve - defaults to 1queryintegerfalse
page_sizeNumber of results per page - defaults to 20 - max 100queryintegerfalse
orderPrescribes in which order stakes are returned - "desc" descending (default) from newest epochs to oldest - "asc" ascending from oldest epochs to newestquerystringfalse

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const stakes_pools = await CBI.core.epochs.stakes.pools_({ pool_hash: "pool1y24nj4qdkg35nvvnfawukauggsxrxuy74876cplmxsee29w5axc" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"epoch_no": 496,
"stake_address": "stake1uxpxha0razjvp76c6l03lfkjttdchum6rxtk5d3amjh2r8crnd9g2",
"amount": 9289
"epoch_no": 496,
"stake_address": "stake1u90lfcqznlnv8n0kvhx5layxysmsmlej0gald97tn5a9r4gnrme9v",
"amount": 10297071517

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number.
stake_addressstringThe stake addres.

GET One epoch and one pool stake distributions

Returns the stake distribution for one epoch given its number, and for one pool given its Bech32 pool hash.

GET /api/core/epochs/{epoch_no}/stakes/pools/{pool_hash}

🎰 Parameters

epoch_noEpoch numberpathintegertrue
pool_hashBech32 pool hashpathstringtrue
page_noPage number to retrieve - defaults to 1queryintegerfalse
page_sizeNumber of results per page - defaults to 20 - max 100queryintegerfalse
orderPrescribes in which order stakes are returned - "desc" descending (default) from largest to smallest stake amount - "asc" ascending from smallest to largest stake amountquerystringfalse

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const stakes_pools = await CBI.core.epochs.stakes.pools_({ epoch_no: 394, pool_hash: "pool1y24nj4qdkg35nvvnfawukauggsxrxuy74876cplmxsee29w5axc" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"epoch_no": 496,
"stake_address": "stake1ux43uhew3eav2hl72l4hzaywqev50nyzc52gd80yk8443pqut2ygg",
"amount": 256625
"epoch_no": 496,
"stake_address": "stake1u8a9qstrmj4rvc3k5z8fems7f0j2vztz8det2klgakhfc8ce79fma",
"amount": 134346239760

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

stake_addressstringThe stake addres.

GET Latest epoch and one pool stake distributions

Returns the stake distribution for the latest epoch, and for one pool given its Bech32 pool hash.

GET /api/core/epochs/latest/stakes/pools/{pool_hash}

🎰 Parameters

pool_hashBech32 pool hashpathstringtrue
page_noPage number to retrieve - defaults to 1queryintegerfalse
page_sizeNumber of results per page - defaults to 20 - max 100queryintegerfalse
orderPrescribes in which order stakes are returned - "desc" descending (default) from largest to smallest stake amount - "asc" ascending from smallest to largest stake amountquerystringfalse

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const stakes_pools = await CBI.core.epochs.latest.stakes.pools_({ pool_hash: "pool1y24nj4qdkg35nvvnfawukauggsxrxuy74876cplmxsee29w5axc" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"epoch_no": 496,
"stake_address": "stake1u8a9qstrmj4rvc3k5z8fems7f0j2vztz8det2klgakhfc8ce79fma",
"amount": 134346239760
"epoch_no": 496,
"stake_address": "stake1u97wqyvnehwkqpjvq6f9ymjy3zgw7cvgxwc67vf45qy6wasnqh78f",
"amount": 1783481687

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

epoch_nointeger(int64)The epoch number.
stake_addressstringThe stake addres.

GET One epoch and one pool stake distributions OData

Returns the stake distribution for one epoch given its number, and for one pool given its Bech32 pool hash.

GET /api/core/odata/epochsstakes

🎰 Parameters

epoch_noEpoch numberqueryintegerfalse
pool_hashBech32 pool hashquerystringfalse
page_noPage number to retrieve - defaults to 1queryintegerfalse
page_sizeNumber of results per page - defaults to 20 - max 100queryintegerfalse
orderPrescribes in which order stakes are returned - "desc" descending (default) from largest to smallest stake amount - "asc" ascending from smallest to largest stake amountquerystringfalse

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const epochsstakes = await CBI.core.epochsstakes_({ "odata": true });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"stake_address": "stake1uxlr2ptaece0dj9ykn45smt85nsc9g7h3qsgrnas3v3vgrsggv858",
"amount": 14549873676162
"stake_address": "stake1uxkfem772dp72anxnn0utykmuflwd266vrkqzgru23updcqvqdcju",
"amount": 506068922655
"stake_address": "stake1u9jtc0fte2yaney9hg3cspr7j94w5m45s3t5ad4tt8ddmkcwqg8j0",
"amount": 102531508204
"stake_address": "stake1u8a9qstrmj4rvc3k5z8fems7f0j2vztz8det2klgakhfc8ce79fma",
"amount": 100616200917
"stake_address": "stake1uxcufeayrww34tqdudqxxkppy5dj50ple8v82x33ygf8rhqe7lewd",
"amount": 50816228373
"stake_address": "stake1ux5rkzfez2pu4lzesfh7heflyfsvetazz7k8q764jrxtp5ghma5qy",
"amount": 21542485283
"stake_address": "stake1ux09xgzzp3u6lvkgq8f70sqxm346vn8ccc8muvam9aux8wcw9cx9t",
"amount": 19724172141
"stake_address": "stake1u9ls86e0chn4hxpr7z9xnjuw6f3kuw4yn8jjs9tt5fs6qcc7qv364",
"amount": 12990007394
"stake_address": "stake1u90lfcqznlnv8n0kvhx5layxysmsmlej0gald97tn5a9r4gnrme9v",
"amount": 10010182670
"stake_address": "stake1u9s2v5xf8smrxssu3y57cdcxfey6yq7v25lcg9l78rnptvsfqzfn6",
"amount": 9118417521
"stake_address": "stake1u8gm42yj890xnm2cktmmc3l49ksz232pzxe8g0gp9en3cqqc0gnn3",
"amount": 6834139983
"stake_address": "stake1uxznzaxr3s9xkqae6vukvldh7xh6gzndkmcxmmm84tnj0vgysjxst",
"amount": 6812847360
"stake_address": "stake1u9z85wldw5cjf9mhuecrtj7uq7hux0m36ts3zjfy3ev5m3cm37qlv",
"amount": 4102604102
"stake_address": "stake1u9ylnhs8x5fztt6ndjpj9tx6gzh2thc2kwef2lwru5zaguqne4uf4",
"amount": 3914856520
"stake_address": "stake1u8493rnaz8y9le602637c3gstfn4s3pl8sgsqetdj2jkueqq79a93",
"amount": 3256732462
"stake_address": "stake1u9p9l5qumptvcnhs0md5xnwpjctpnapt7kl3mzgfj5g4l9su4h3ry",
"amount": 2602930693
"stake_address": "stake1uyypyzsyvwh300ca2vtf64gwmf3nafc9w64tcw0za25mk0qmls084",
"amount": 2001299857
"stake_address": "stake1ux6g4dfq2ds03gwa55q2q8p7ufhkvnr7a86xqre2zd7am8gdpagqt",
"amount": 1679580936
"stake_address": "stake1uytejsgucjr6nn27d4s0jg770wtl3cngj36s7a52e54ncfgnrydsz",
"amount": 1263431238
"stake_address": "stake1uxmnpzlcmdvf5ymjwdelgeqa7ak6sxy36csmrhz4ezpvpegj0n3sk",
"amount": 1040644001

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

stake_addressstringThe stake addres.