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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET Latest epoch params
GET All epoch params
GET One epoch params by number
GET All epoch params OData
GET One epoch params by number OData

GET Latest epoch params

Returns the parameters for the latest epoch.

GET /api/core/epochs/params/latest

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const parameters_latest = await CBI.core.epochs.params.latest_();

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 295,
"epoch_no": 496,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 90112,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 500,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 0,
"protocol_major": 8,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 4310,
"min_pool_cost": 170000000,
"nonce": "ldm4y9zeQ3CNLPbRuC4+dFWmx6HMaAlpBdTQakipkVk=",
"cost_model_id": 111,
"price_mem": 0.0577,
"price_step": 0.0000721,
"max_tx_ex_mem": 14000000,
"max_tx_ex_steps": 10000000000,
"max_block_ex_mem": 62000000,
"max_block_ex_steps": 20000000000,
"max_val_size": 5000,
"collateral_percent": 150,
"max_collateral_inputs": 3,
"block_id": 10583584,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": 4310,
"nonce_hex": "95d9b8cbdcde43708d2cf6d1b82e3e7455a6c7a1cc68096905d4d06a48a99159"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The epoch param unique identifier.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The first epoch for which these parameters are valid.
min_fee_ainteger(int32)The 'a' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
min_fee_binteger(int32)The 'b' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
max_block_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block size (in bytes).
max_tx_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum transaction size (in bytes).
max_bh_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block header size (in bytes).
key_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a StakeAddress.
pool_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a stake pool.
max_epochinteger(int32)The maximum number of epochs in the future that a pool retirement is allowed to be scheduled for.
optimal_pool_countinteger(int32)The optimal number of stake pools.
influencenumber(double)The influence of the pledge on a stake pool's probability on minting a block.
monetary_expand_ratenumber(double)The monetary expansion rate.
treasury_growth_ratenumber(double)The treasury growth rate.
decentralisationnumber(double)The decentralisation parameter (1 fully centralised, 0 fully decentralised).
protocol_majorinteger(int32)The protocol major number.
protocol_minorinteger(int32)The protocol minor number.
min_utxo_valuenumber(double)The minimum value of a UTxO entry.
min_pool_costnumber(double)The minimum pool cost.
noncestring(byte)The nonce value for this epoch.
cost_model_idinteger(int64)The CostModel table index for the params.
price_memnumber(double)The per word cost of script memory usage.
price_stepnumber(double)The cost of script execution step usage.
max_tx_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_tx_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_block_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block.
max_block_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block.
max_val_sizenumber(double)The maximum Val size.
collateral_percentinteger(int32)The percentage of the txfee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts.
max_collateral_inputsinteger(int32)The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.
block_idinteger(int64)The Block table index for the first block where these parameters are valid.
extra_entropystring(byte)The 32 byte string of extra random-ness to be added into the protocol's entropy pool.
coins_per_utxo_sizenumber(double)For Alonzo this is the cost per UTxO word. For Babbage and later per UTxO byte.
nonce_hexstringThe nonce value for this epoch in hexadecimal form.

GET All epoch params

Returns the parameters for all epoch.

GET /api/core/epochs/params

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const params = await CBI.core.epochs.params_();

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 1,
"epoch_no": 208,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 1,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "Gjvji8u3kRlpKDcWrXqlUCUCJrdqYfxRzJqaNdknbYE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4490688,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81"
"id": 20,
"epoch_no": 227,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 0.5,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "DlNN1Bu4C//0oW0DjrUigOm+rHVFzDLJv8JTptkgENE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4896380,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "0e534dd41bb80bfff4a16d038eb52280e9beac7545cc32c9bfc253a6d92010d1"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The epoch param unique identifier.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The first epoch for which these parameters are valid.
min_fee_ainteger(int32)The 'a' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
min_fee_binteger(int32)The 'b' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
max_block_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block size (in bytes).
max_tx_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum transaction size (in bytes).
max_bh_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block header size (in bytes).
key_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a StakeAddress.
pool_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a stake pool.
max_epochinteger(int32)The maximum number of epochs in the future that a pool retirement is allowed to be scheduled for.
optimal_pool_countinteger(int32)The optimal number of stake pools.
influencenumber(double)The influence of the pledge on a stake pool's probability on minting a block.
monetary_expand_ratenumber(double)The monetary expansion rate.
treasury_growth_ratenumber(double)The treasury growth rate.
decentralisationnumber(double)The decentralisation parameter (1 fully centralised, 0 fully decentralised).
protocol_majorinteger(int32)The protocol major number.
protocol_minorinteger(int32)The protocol minor number.
min_utxo_valuenumber(double)The minimum value of a UTxO entry.
min_pool_costnumber(double)The minimum pool cost.
noncestring(byte)The nonce value for this epoch.
cost_model_idinteger(int64)The CostModel table index for the params.
price_memnumber(double)The per word cost of script memory usage.
price_stepnumber(double)The cost of script execution step usage.
max_tx_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_tx_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_block_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block.
max_block_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block.
max_val_sizenumber(double)The maximum Val size.
collateral_percentinteger(int32)The percentage of the txfee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts.
max_collateral_inputsinteger(int32)The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.
block_idinteger(int64)The Block table index for the first block where these parameters are valid.
extra_entropystring(byte)The 32 byte string of extra random-ness to be added into the protocol's entropy pool.
coins_per_utxo_sizenumber(double)For Alonzo this is the cost per UTxO word. For Babbage and later per UTxO byte.
nonce_hexstringThe nonce value for this epoch in hexadecimal form.

GET One epoch params by number

Returns the parameters of one specific epoch given its number.

GET /api/core/epochs/{epoch_no}/params

🎰 Parameters

epoch_noEpoch numberpathintegertrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const params = await CBI.core.epochs.params_({ epoch_no: 394 });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"id": 1,
"epoch_no": 208,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 1,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "Gjvji8u3kRlpKDcWrXqlUCUCJrdqYfxRzJqaNdknbYE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4490688,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81"
"id": 20,
"epoch_no": 227,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 0.5,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "DlNN1Bu4C//0oW0DjrUigOm+rHVFzDLJv8JTptkgENE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4896380,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "0e534dd41bb80bfff4a16d038eb52280e9beac7545cc32c9bfc253a6d92010d1"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The epoch param unique identifier.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The first epoch for which these parameters are valid.
min_fee_ainteger(int32)The 'a' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
min_fee_binteger(int32)The 'b' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
max_block_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block size (in bytes).
max_tx_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum transaction size (in bytes).
max_bh_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block header size (in bytes).
key_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a StakeAddress.
pool_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a stake pool.
max_epochinteger(int32)The maximum number of epochs in the future that a pool retirement is allowed to be scheduled for.
optimal_pool_countinteger(int32)The optimal number of stake pools.
influencenumber(double)The influence of the pledge on a stake pool's probability on minting a block.
monetary_expand_ratenumber(double)The monetary expansion rate.
treasury_growth_ratenumber(double)The treasury growth rate.
decentralisationnumber(double)The decentralisation parameter (1 fully centralised, 0 fully decentralised).
protocol_majorinteger(int32)The protocol major number.
protocol_minorinteger(int32)The protocol minor number.
min_utxo_valuenumber(double)The minimum value of a UTxO entry.
min_pool_costnumber(double)The minimum pool cost.
noncestring(byte)The nonce value for this epoch.
cost_model_idinteger(int64)The CostModel table index for the params.
price_memnumber(double)The per word cost of script memory usage.
price_stepnumber(double)The cost of script execution step usage.
max_tx_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_tx_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_block_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block.
max_block_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block.
max_val_sizenumber(double)The maximum Val size.
collateral_percentinteger(int32)The percentage of the txfee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts.
max_collateral_inputsinteger(int32)The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.
block_idinteger(int64)The Block table index for the first block where these parameters are valid.
extra_entropystring(byte)The 32 byte string of extra random-ness to be added into the protocol's entropy pool.
coins_per_utxo_sizenumber(double)For Alonzo this is the cost per UTxO word. For Babbage and later per UTxO byte.
nonce_hexstringThe nonce value for this epoch in hexadecimal form.

GET All epoch params OData

Returns the parameters for all epoch.

GET /api/core/odata/epochsparams

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const epochsparams = await CBI.core.epochsparams_({ "odata": true });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"@odata.context": "$metadata#EpochsParams",
"value": [
"id": 1,
"epoch_no": 208,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 1,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "Gjvji8u3kRlpKDcWrXqlUCUCJrdqYfxRzJqaNdknbYE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4490688,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81"
"id": 20,
"epoch_no": 227,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 0.5,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "DlNN1Bu4C//0oW0DjrUigOm+rHVFzDLJv8JTptkgENE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4896380,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "0e534dd41bb80bfff4a16d038eb52280e9beac7545cc32c9bfc253a6d92010d1"
"@odata.nextLink": "$skip=20"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The epoch param unique identifier.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The first epoch for which these parameters are valid.
min_fee_ainteger(int32)The 'a' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
min_fee_binteger(int32)The 'b' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
max_block_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block size (in bytes).
max_tx_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum transaction size (in bytes).
max_bh_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block header size (in bytes).
key_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a StakeAddress.
pool_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a stake pool.
max_epochinteger(int32)The maximum number of epochs in the future that a pool retirement is allowed to be scheduled for.
optimal_pool_countinteger(int32)The optimal number of stake pools.
influencenumber(double)The influence of the pledge on a stake pool's probability on minting a block.
monetary_expand_ratenumber(double)The monetary expansion rate.
treasury_growth_ratenumber(double)The treasury growth rate.
decentralisationnumber(double)The decentralisation parameter (1 fully centralised, 0 fully decentralised).
protocol_majorinteger(int32)The protocol major number.
protocol_minorinteger(int32)The protocol minor number.
min_utxo_valuenumber(double)The minimum value of a UTxO entry.
min_pool_costnumber(double)The minimum pool cost.
noncestring(byte)The nonce value for this epoch.
cost_model_idinteger(int64)The CostModel table index for the params.
price_memnumber(double)The per word cost of script memory usage.
price_stepnumber(double)The cost of script execution step usage.
max_tx_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_tx_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_block_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block.
max_block_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block.
max_val_sizenumber(double)The maximum Val size.
collateral_percentinteger(int32)The percentage of the txfee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts.
max_collateral_inputsinteger(int32)The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.
block_idinteger(int64)The Block table index for the first block where these parameters are valid.
extra_entropystring(byte)The 32 byte string of extra random-ness to be added into the protocol's entropy pool.
coins_per_utxo_sizenumber(double)For Alonzo this is the cost per UTxO word. For Babbage and later per UTxO byte.
nonce_hexstringThe nonce value for this epoch in hexadecimal form.

GET One epoch params by number OData

Returns the parameters of one specific epoch given its number.

GET /api/core/odata/epochsparams/{epoch_no}

🎰 Parameters

epoch_noEpoch numberpathintegertrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const epochsparams = await CBI.core.epochsparams_({ "odata": true, epoch_no: 394 });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"@odata.context": "$metadata#EpochsParams",
"value": [
"id": 1,
"epoch_no": 208,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 1,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "Gjvji8u3kRlpKDcWrXqlUCUCJrdqYfxRzJqaNdknbYE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4490688,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81"
"id": 20,
"epoch_no": 227,
"min_fee_a": 44,
"min_fee_b": 155381,
"max_block_size": 65536,
"max_tx_size": 16384,
"max_bh_size": 1100,
"key_deposit": 2000000,
"pool_deposit": 500000000,
"max_epoch": 18,
"optimal_pool_count": 150,
"influence": 0.3,
"monetary_expand_rate": 0.003,
"treasury_growth_rate": 0.2,
"decentralisation": 0.5,
"protocol_major": 2,
"protocol_minor": 0,
"min_utxo_value": 1000000,
"min_pool_cost": 340000000,
"nonce": "DlNN1Bu4C//0oW0DjrUigOm+rHVFzDLJv8JTptkgENE=",
"cost_model_id": null,
"price_mem": null,
"price_step": null,
"max_tx_ex_mem": null,
"max_tx_ex_steps": null,
"max_block_ex_mem": null,
"max_block_ex_steps": null,
"max_val_size": null,
"collateral_percent": null,
"max_collateral_inputs": null,
"block_id": 4896380,
"extra_entropy": null,
"coins_per_utxo_size": null,
"nonce_hex": "0e534dd41bb80bfff4a16d038eb52280e9beac7545cc32c9bfc253a6d92010d1"
"@odata.nextLink": "$skip=20"

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

idinteger(int64)The epoch param unique identifier.
epoch_nointeger(int32)The first epoch for which these parameters are valid.
min_fee_ainteger(int32)The 'a' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
min_fee_binteger(int32)The 'b' parameter to calculate the minimum transaction fee.
max_block_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block size (in bytes).
max_tx_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum transaction size (in bytes).
max_bh_sizeinteger(int32)The maximum block header size (in bytes).
key_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a StakeAddress.
pool_depositnumber(double)The amount (in Lovelace) require for a deposit to register a stake pool.
max_epochinteger(int32)The maximum number of epochs in the future that a pool retirement is allowed to be scheduled for.
optimal_pool_countinteger(int32)The optimal number of stake pools.
influencenumber(double)The influence of the pledge on a stake pool's probability on minting a block.
monetary_expand_ratenumber(double)The monetary expansion rate.
treasury_growth_ratenumber(double)The treasury growth rate.
decentralisationnumber(double)The decentralisation parameter (1 fully centralised, 0 fully decentralised).
protocol_majorinteger(int32)The protocol major number.
protocol_minorinteger(int32)The protocol minor number.
min_utxo_valuenumber(double)The minimum value of a UTxO entry.
min_pool_costnumber(double)The minimum pool cost.
noncestring(byte)The nonce value for this epoch.
cost_model_idinteger(int64)The CostModel table index for the params.
price_memnumber(double)The per word cost of script memory usage.
price_stepnumber(double)The cost of script execution step usage.
max_tx_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_tx_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction.
max_block_ex_memnumber(double)The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block.
max_block_ex_stepsnumber(double)The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block.
max_val_sizenumber(double)The maximum Val size.
collateral_percentinteger(int32)The percentage of the txfee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts.
max_collateral_inputsinteger(int32)The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction.
block_idinteger(int64)The Block table index for the first block where these parameters are valid.
extra_entropystring(byte)The 32 byte string of extra random-ness to be added into the protocol's entropy pool.
coins_per_utxo_sizenumber(double)For Alonzo this is the cost per UTxO word. For Babbage and later per UTxO byte.
nonce_hexstringThe nonce value for this epoch in hexadecimal form.