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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET Account withdrawal history

GET Account withdrawal history

Returns the withdrawal history from one account given its stake address.

GET /api/core/accounts/{stake_address}/withdrawals

🎰 Parameters

stake_addressBech32 Stake addresspathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const withdrawals = await CBI.core.accounts.withdrawals_({ stake_address: "stake1u9frlh9lvpdjva46ge0yc4c8zg5e0d37ch42zyyrzmu2hygnmy4xc" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"block_no": 5898645,
"tx_hash_hex": "de520b65d0d2b72620e34563c0b92bd72b9720ed7aa4e205c272795a70a700f0",
"amount": 1338374
"block_no": 10002057,
"tx_hash_hex": "3013802c0afeecbc7f4a5d4faeee90e95c5d3bff5f0c9fda689a9722fc89b72e",
"amount": 2520289

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

block_nointeger(int64)The block number for this withdrawal transaction.
tx_hash_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of the hash identifier of the withdrawal transaction.
amountinteger(int64)The withdrawal amount (in Lovelace).