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Version: 1.0
Endpoints Summary
GET Rewards history

GET Rewards history

Returns the earned rewards history of one account given its stake address.

GET /api/core/accounts/{stake_address}/rewards

🎰 Parameters

stake_addressBech32 Stake addresspathstringtrue

👨‍💻 Code samples

const CBI = await new CardanoBI({ apiKey: 'YOUR-KEY', apiSecret: 'YOUR-SECRET' }); 
const rewards = await CBI.core.accounts.rewards_({ stake_address: "stake1u8a9qstrmj4rvc3k5z8fems7f0j2vztz8det2klgakhfc8ce79fma" });

💌 Response Codes

OK: Successful request.

"earned_epoch": 336,
"spendable_epoch": 338,
"type": "leader",
"pool_id_hex": "22ab39540db22349b1934f5dcb7788440c33709ea9fdac07fb343395",
"amount": 344553843
"earned_epoch": 490,
"spendable_epoch": 492,
"type": "leader",
"pool_id_hex": "22ab39540db22349b1934f5dcb7788440c33709ea9fdac07fb343395",
"amount": 373426967

💌 Response Schemas

Status Code 200

earned_epochinteger(int64)The epoch in which the reward was earned. For pool and leader rewards spendable in epoch N, this will be N - 2, for treasury and reserves N - 1 and for refund N.
spendable_epochinteger(int64)The epoch in which the reward is actually distributed and can be spent.
typestringThe source of the rewards; pool member, pool leader, treasury or reserves payment and pool deposits refunds
pool_id_hexstringThe hexadecimal encoding of hash for the pool the stake address was delegated to when the reward is earned or for the pool that there is a deposit refund. Will be NULL for payments from the treasury or the reserves.
amountinteger(int64)The reward amount (in Lovelace).