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3 posts tagged with "partnership"

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· 2 min read

🌟 Announcing a Significant Milestone in Our Partnership with Zero Citizen

Since our initial announcement in January 2023, our partnership with Zero Citizen has flourished exceptionally, traceable back to a meaningful encounter at the 2022 Cardano Summit in Lausanne.

🌿 Open Beta Launch: Zero Citizen’s Carbon Balance Service (CBS)

We are thrilled to unveil the outcomes of our collaborative efforts - the Open Beta Launch of Zero Citizen's Carbon Balance Service (CBS). This development marks a pivotal milestone, showcasing the strength and potential of our partnership.

🚀 Powered by CardanoBI

CardanoBI is at the heart of CBS, empowering it with the capability to access on-chain data. This enables CBS to meticulously evaluate the carbon footprints of individuals and businesses in their utilization of Blockchain technology.

🌐 A Step Forward

This launch represents a significant stride in our enduring collaboration with Zero Citizen. It embodies our commitment and continual efforts toward mutual objectives and success.

🔮 What’s Next?

Looking ahead, the horizon appears even more promising. CardanoBI is poised to evolve as the essential gateway for Zero Citizen, facilitating an extensive spectrum of Cardano-related activities and propelling Zero Citizen towards realizing their ambitious Tockenised Climate Solutions.

Join us in celebrating this remarkable achievement, and try CBS for yourself: 💚

· One min read

I'm absolutely pumped to hear the news that Zero Citizen have launched the Closed Alpha of their Carbon Balance Service, and in doing so, certified the first ever Cardano project to be carbon neutral!

ZC used CardanoBI SaaS Service to calculate the carbon footprint of FRH.

Congrats to all teams involved!

Bring it on!

This is a landmark accomplishment for us in establishing CardanoBI as a trusted partner for projects wanting to build utility services on Cardano.

But it's only the beginning, stay tuned...

· One min read

We're stoked to be announcing our partnership with Zero Citizen.

ZC will be using CardanoBI SaaS Service to power their Carbon Balance Service.

We couldn't dream of a better partnership to get CardanoBI going.

ZC's vision for a carbon neutral future is spot on and align so well with our own ambitions to bring real-life utility to Cardano.

Exciting times, more to come, stay tuned!