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🌟 Announcing a Significant Milestone in Our Partnership with Zero Citizen

Since our initial announcement in January 2023, our partnership with Zero Citizen has flourished exceptionally, traceable back to a meaningful encounter at the 2022 Cardano Summit in Lausanne.

🌿 Open Beta Launch: Zero Citizen’s Carbon Balance Service (CBS)

We are thrilled to unveil the outcomes of our collaborative efforts - the Open Beta Launch of Zero Citizen's Carbon Balance Service (CBS). This development marks a pivotal milestone, showcasing the strength and potential of our partnership.

🚀 Powered by CardanoBI

CardanoBI is at the heart of CBS, empowering it with the capability to access on-chain data. This enables CBS to meticulously evaluate the carbon footprints of individuals and businesses in their utilization of Blockchain technology.

🌐 A Step Forward

This launch represents a significant stride in our enduring collaboration with Zero Citizen. It embodies our commitment and continual efforts toward mutual objectives and success.

🔮 What’s Next?

Looking ahead, the horizon appears even more promising. CardanoBI is poised to evolve as the essential gateway for Zero Citizen, facilitating an extensive spectrum of Cardano-related activities and propelling Zero Citizen towards realizing their ambitious Tockenised Climate Solutions.

Join us in celebrating this remarkable achievement, and try CBS for yourself: 💚